Afritude and fabrics

50,000 FCFA

creation of MABERJO

40,000 FCFA


35,000 FCFA


40,000 FCFA


20,000 FCFA

African Princess, Wall Box Dress

20,000 FCFA

Mini Evening Dress

15,000 FCFA

Cultural African Princess

15,000 FCFA

Mini Ndop-wax 2 pieces

20,000 FCFA

African prints bubu trousers with crop top

15,000 FCFA

lace loincloth

12,000 FCFA

lace loincloth duo

12,000 FCFA

lace loincloth

5,000 FCFA


5,000 FCFA


6,000 FCFA

super women's pants available in sizes M and L at the Essos market

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